Troubleshoot Windows 11 failure to start

If you have problems starting your computer with Windows 11, here are some steps you can try for recovery. Perform a hard shutdown two times during the Windows boot screen. On the third time, Windows should...

Windows 11 hits Release Preview Channel

Windows 11, after 3 months of testing is set to release on October 5th, 2021. Windows 11 Build went live to Beta Channel in August, and now it is time for Release Preview Channel. Yesterday, Microsoft...

Troubleshoot Apps in Windows 11

This article helps you troubleshoot app crashes in Windows 11, including crashing and hanging installed from the Microsoft Store. Troubleshoot Apps crashing in Windows 11 To troubleshoot app problems with Windows 11, here are some steps...

Troubleshoot Sound Problems in Windows 11

Windows 11, the next release of Microsoft Windows is set to release. After the upgrade, the users may have issues with playing Audio. This article discusses how to troubleshoot Sound problems in Windows 11. Troubleshoot Audio...

Windows 11 PC health check

Check Windows 11 compatibility using these tools

Windows 11, the next release of Windows, is set to schedule later this year. In this article, I mention the best checker tools that tell if the PC supports Windows 11, including Microsoft and 3rd party...

Improve Windows 11 Taskbar functionality using these tools

With the introduction of Windows 11, Microsoft re-wrote the Taskbar code using UWP design language. The Legacy Windows 10 taskbar was based on older design languages. As the taskbar was written again, in the initial release...

Clean Install Windows 11

This article describes how to perform a Custom Install or a clean install of Windows 11. A clean install is the last resort to fix when the computer stops working, and it requires a working computer...

Create a Windows 11 USB Flash drive

This guide helps you to create a USB Flash drive to repair Windows 11 by downloading the Official ISO file from the Microsoft Software Download website. Please note that downloading Windows 11 requires a working computer...

Microsoft announces Windows 11 release date

Today, Microsoft announced the release date of Windows 11, the next release of Microsoft Windows courtesy of a Blog post. It would be available to the eligible devices starting October 5, 2021, with a focus on...


Troubleshoot Windows 11 upgrade failures

In this article, I explain some troubleshooting steps for what to do when Windows 11 upgrade fails to install on your device running Windows 10. There can be many causes behind Windows 11 upgrade failures, and...